Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation: What woman does not want the perfect breast? Breast enlargement is one of the most popular operations in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.
from 2,300 EUR
Breast Augmentation in Turkey
Before the procedure on the breast:
To assess whether the surgical request is feasible, you should submit to us first two photos understandable (body image from the front and side) or to send via e-mail.
Hospital stay:
In a surgical intervention for breast enlargement, you will spend a day in the hospital clinic.
Surgical procedures:
Our experienced surgeons prefer depending on the anatomical condition of the patients the small incision in the inframammary fold, axilla or at the areola. This allows the silicone implant placed well. Depending on the skin and glandular tissue the surgeon decides whether the silicone implant is placed in the breast augmentation above or below the chest muscle to achieve a perfect aesthetic result.
After breast augmentation surgery, the patient receives a fixed tape bandage. This remains at least 24 hours and is supervised stationary night. On the first day after the breast enlargement, the association is controlled. If no complications have occurred, the patient receives a special support bra. After consultation with the surgeon, then the journey home be commenced.

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Breast Augmentation in Turkey
The surgical procedure for breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia on the patient.
After the breast surgery:
For the healing process and the final result of your behavior in the first weeks after the procedure is very endscheiden. After the surgery, avoid stress and exertion to use an optimal wound healing can and will be no scar tissue.
In order not to burden the breast, may not be borne heavy and two weeks are not driven sport. Physical exertion (lifting heavy objects, stretch or jerky movements with the arms) should be avoided.
There should be at least 6 weeks, no sun or tanning beds are visited. One to two weeks, we sleep on the back to avoid pressure on the area of operations. The ability to breast bleibtnach receive such a surgery.
Surgical scars:
The scars of sin visible at the beginning, but after 6 months they will always pale to see them hardly.
Healing process:
About two weeks after surgery, all professional and social activities are re-exported as usual.
Duration of operation:
Breast enlargement surgery takes about one to two hours.

Breast Augmentation in Turkey - At a Glance
Duration of Procedure
1 Hour
Hospital Stay
4 Days
Recovery Time
2 Days
from 999 EUR